The most preferred and recognized flavored tea across the globe is the??Chocolate tea. Therefore it is no surprise that our major standpoint in the flavoured tea market is the Chocolate tea. Made from freshly ground cocoa beans and rich premium tea our chocolate tea is celebrated among tea lovers. Apart from being a treat to your taste buds our chocolate tea also keeps you relaxed and soothes your senses. Our standardized blend makes us the most sought after Chocolate tea manufacturers in the country.
Our??Chocolate tea??is a rich source of flavonoid and flavonoid-related compounds with strong antioxidant effects making it a perfect health drink too. This combination of ingredients in our chocolate tea helps boost your immune system.
Packing Options
We can supply the teas either in bulk or in packs of the following denominations in attractive packs. The same can be supplied in Tea bags(Dip tea).We undertake private labelling and provide customized packing services.
- 100 grams
- 250 grams
- 500 grams
- 1 kg
Also available in fancy canister (100 grams)